Monday 20 February 2023

Big Streakers

A quick trip to Poundland resulted in me leaving the shop with not, for once, a bottle of curious aftershave I'd never heard of, but a packet of Big Streakers instead. And, for a 125g bag of genuine British crisps, it certainly represented value for money in the current cost of living crisis. However, would it send my taste buds into a stratospheric ecstasy or leave them holding a lifelong grudge against me?

Big Streakers are produced by Flashbacks who, according to the packaging, are based in Cheltenham. A quick Google, though, reveals very little information regarding the company. Well, absolutely zero as far as I could see. In fact, the address on the packaging is the same as a firm of chartered accountants in Cheltenham. Perhaps, when they're not filing taxes and creating balance sheets, they fill their time crafting maize-based snacks. It's a mystery, but that's not what we're here to explore, so let's take a closer look at Big Streakers.

The packaging, all burgundy and yellow, is clearly an attempt to muscle in on the consumer trust invested in the packaging of Frazzles, one of the big boys (if not the biggest) in the market. It's a typical marketing trick and one which seems particularly beloved of discount stores. A closer look at the packaging also reveals the twin mission statement of Big Streakers: to tap into nostalgia and to do this in an epic manner. The nostalgia angle is a little strange as, correct me if I'm wrong, but no one ever stopped eating Frazzles or their myriad imitators. Nonetheless, Big Streakers are BIG, pleasingly BIG.

Measuring around 6cm long, Big Streakers mark themselves out as contenders for room in your stomach from the moment you open the packet. Between your fingers, the levels of grease are barely noticeable at first, but after several Big Streakers have made their hallowed journey from packet to mouth, there's enough of a residue to make opening a jar of pickled onions a challenge. But this is the last thing on your mind as you start to crunch down on the Big Streakers.

Densely constructed, each Big Streaker feels like two individual snacks melded into one. The deep crunch is exceptionally pleasing, with Big Streakers delivering a premium feel as opposed to many maize-based snacks which can feel lightweight and melt into a sticky mess on the tongue in seconds. And the taste is equally satisfying. The bacon flavouring, which lingers delightfully long on the tongue, is an intoxicating mixture which fills your mouth with an intoxicating aroma which is all sweet and smoky.

Frazzles imitators are numerous, but Big Streakers manage to easily hold their own in a crowded marketplace. Concentrating both on the spectacle - these look impressive in even the largest hand - and the mouthfeel, Flashbacks have provided a fantastic platform for Big Streakers to demonstrate their flavour credentials. A bargain for a pound, seek these British crisps out and let their XL smoky bacon charms envelop your taste buds.

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